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Privacy Policy

Last update:  24.08.2022

Your safety is important to us. For this reason, your personal data that you will share with us is sensitively protected.

We, ATELIER ÜLGER ("Company"), as the data controller, with this privacy and personal data protection policy, which personal data will be processed for what purpose, with whom and why the processed data can be shared, our data processing method and our legal reasons; We aim to enlighten you about your rights regarding your processed data.

Personal Data Collected

Your identity, contact (such as name, surname, date of birth), contact (such as address, e-mail address, telephone, postal code, IP, location), personal, social media, financial information and visual and audio records by us, cookies (cookies) etc. will be processed by means of technologies, automatic or non-automatic methods and sometimes obtained from third parties such as analytical providers, advertising networks, search information providers, technology providers, recorded, stored and updated, within the framework and duration of the service and contractual relationship between us, on the basis of the legitimate interest processing condition. .

Storage of Personal Data

Our company is hosted on the platform. provides us with an online platform that allows us to sell our products and services to you. Your data may be stored through's data stores, databases and public applications. Wix stores your data on secure servers behind a firewall.  


All direct payment gateways offered by and used by our company comply with the standards set by PCI-DSS, which is governed by the PCI Security Standards Council, which was established as a result of the joint effort of brands such as Visa, MasterCard, American Express and Discover. PCI-DSS obligations ensure that our store and service providers process your credit card information securely.

About the Purpose of Processing Your Personal Data and the Organizations To Which It Can Be Transferred

Your personal data you share with us; To be able to conclude contracts with you in order to benefit from our services, content, A/B Testing, traffic source analytics, internal search analytics, purchasing analytics, vehicle analytics, marketing retargeting, to fulfill the requirements of the services we provide in the best way and in accordance with the agreements between us, arising from these agreements In order to ensure that your rights are used by you, to develop our products and services in line with your needs and to inform you about these developments, to bring you together with wider service providers within legal frameworks and to fulfill the obligations arising from the law (sharing personal data with judicial and administrative authorities upon request), will be processed and updated in accordance with its purpose and proportionately throughout the contract and service period. Your personal data you share with us; It can be transferred to third parties, institutions and organizations at home and abroad, with which we receive and/or provide services to carry out our activities, with whom we have contractual relations, with whom we cooperate, and to judicial and administrative authorities upon request, provided that necessary technical and administrative measures are taken.


As part of the service provided, the Company may obtain and transfer information about service users within the scope of this Privacy Policy. Such information transfers are made in accordance with the conditions determined by third parties, existing contracts with third parties and current legislation in force. This Privacy Policy does not reflect the privacy practices of third parties to whom information is transferred, and the Company is not responsible for their privacy policies or practices. This Privacy Policy does not cover information collected by applications outside the Company's control, information collected by third-party websites and platforms, or headlines, campaigns and other advertisements or promotions on third-party websites sponsored or participated by the Company. The Company is not responsible for the actions taken regarding the personal data collected, stored and used by third parties through their own websites or tools..


Our regulations regarding cookies to be used for advertising purposes are the "Atelier ÜLGER Cookie Policy" and form part of the "Privacy and Personal Data Protection Policy" you are currently reading. For information about our Cookie Policy, please visit the "Cookie Policy" page of

Personal Data Obtained Before KVKK Entered into Force

There is no personal data stored on the Atelier ÜLGER website before the effective date of the KVKK, which is 07.04.2016.

Data Subject's Rights

Pursuant to article 11 of the KVKK, everyone can use the following rights by applying to the data controller:

  1. ​Learning whether personal data is processed,

  2. If personal data has been processed, requesting information about it,

  3. Learning the purpose of processing personal data and whether they are used in accordance with its purpose,

  4. Knowing the third parties to whom personal data is transferred at home or abroad,

  5. Requesting correction of personal data if it is incomplete or incorrectly processed,

  6. Requesting the deletion or destruction of personal data,

  7. Requesting notification of the transactions made pursuant to subparagraphs (5) and (6) to third parties to whom personal data has been transferred,

  8. Objecting to the emergence of a result against the person himself by analyzing the processed data exclusively through automated systems,

  9. It has the right to demand the compensation of the damage in case of loss due to the unlawful processing of personal data.

In order to exercise your rights listed above, within the scope of the law, you can send all kinds of requests, complaints and suggestions regarding your personal data to our company's registered e-mail address by using a secure electronic signature.

Our address:


Links to Other Websites

The company website may contain links/links that lead to third party websites, and this Privacy Policy does not apply to these websites. The company does not accept any responsibility for these websites.

Social media

The company website provides embedded links to some social media networks so that the products produced can be shared on social media networks. These linked services only work if approved, and the purpose of these social media links is to view the site content and to share it with your friends and relatives when requested. Data sharing regarding these referred social media networks is subject to the privacy policies they declare on their sites. It is important that you review these privacy policies as well. 

Information Update and Change

The Company may change the content of this Privacy Policy at any time in order to keep the privacy data protection principles up to date and comply with the relevant legislation. The changed Privacy Policy is announced on the Company website. You can constantly access the current version of the Privacy Policy at If you continue to use the Company's services or applications after the change of this Privacy Policy, you will be deemed to accept the changes made. The provisions of the Privacy Policy that the company has made come into force on the date they are published on the website. 

Data Retention Period

The data shared directly while becoming a member is stored for the duration of the membership period. Shared data is stored as long as the subscription to the newsletters subscribed to in order to be informed about the campaigns continues.


You are completely free to accept or reject the processing of your personal data, which is only necessary, in accordance with this privacy and personal data processing policy, in order to provide you with services in line with your requests. If you continue to use the site, we will assume that you have accepted, and for more detailed information, contact us via the e-mail address orContactPlease do not hesitate to contact us by filling out the form on our page.

Cookie Definition

Cookies are small pieces of data that are stored in visitors' browsers on websites. Cookies are generally used to keep track of the settings users choose and the actions they take on a site.

As Atelier ÜLGER;

  • Essential Cookies​​​

  • Marketing Cookies

  • Functional Cookies

  • Analysis Cookies

We use a number of different cookies, including.​

Cookies only contain information about your visit history on the internet and do not collect any information about the files stored on your computer or mobile device.

Types of Cookies and Purposes of Use

Cookies in terms of validity period

Temporary Cookies (Session Cookies): Session Cookies are temporary cookies that are used during visitors' visits to the website and are deleted after the browser is closed. The main purpose of using such cookies is to ensure that the website functions properly during your visit. For example; These cookies make it possible for you to fill out online forms consisting of multiple pages. 

Persistent Cookies: Persistent cookies are types of cookies used to increase the functionality of the website and to provide a faster and better service.This type of cookieIt is used to remember visitors' preferences and is stored on visitors' devices via browsers. Some types of persistent cookies; It can be used to offer special suggestions to visitors, taking into account issues such as the purpose of use of the website. If the website is visited again with the same device thanks to permanent cookies, it is checked whether there is a cookie created by the website on the devices of the visitors, and if there is, it is understood that the website has been visited before and the contents to be transmitted to the visitors are determined accordingly. Cookie-Like Technologies are also included in this scope.

Cookies by Source

First Party Cookies: It is placed directly on the visitors' devices by the website. First-party cookies are defined by the website you are visiting and can only be read by this website.

Third Party Cookies: Third-party cookies are defined by other organizations used for different services. Google Analytics and Facebook Ads cookies are examples of third-party cookies. For example, the external data analysis services we use and the suppliers that offer this service set cookies on our behalf to report what is popular and what is not.

Cookies by Purpose of Use

Basic Cookies: These cookies enable basic functions such as security, authentication and network management and cannot be disabled.

Marketing Cookies: These cookies are used to track advertising activity in order to provide you with better advertisements tailored to your interests and better service to your target audience.

Functional Cookies: These cookies collect data to remember choices made by users in order to improve the experience and make it more personal.

Analysis Cookies: These cookies help us understand visitors' interaction with our site, discover errors and provide better overall analysis.

Not Accepting Cookies

If you decide not to accept cookies, certain features of this website may not be displayed or work properly. This limits what you do on our website and can have an impact on the design and user experience.

Among the features that are likely to be affected are;

  • Viewing embedded content​

  • Using the My Wishlist function

  • Inability to experience the website in a personalized way

  • Like or share this page on social networks

Preventing the Use of Cookies

When you access the SITE, you will see a warning about the "Cookie Policy". If you accept, the other cookies mentioned above, including Basic Cookies, also start to be used. Unless you turn it off on the SITE, there is a Cookie Settings box at the bottom left. You can customize your cookie options on the screen that opens by clicking this box. Essential Cookies cannot be turned off because their use is mandatory.

In order to delete or prevent the use of cookies, you can delete or block cookies from the browser settings you use.

To change the cookie settings of the browser you are using, you can reach the page with the directions for deleting cookies by clicking on the relevant browser name;

Essential Cookies Used (Mandatory)

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You are completely free to accept or reject the processing of your personal data, which is only necessary, in accordance with this privacy and personal data processing policy, in order to provide you with services in line with your requests. If you continue to use the site, we will assume that you have accepted, and for more detailed information, contact us via the e-mail address orContactPlease do not hesitate to contact us by filling out the form on our page.

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